Terms of Website Service
You may access the website on a temporary basis. Our company reserves the right to withdraw all or part of the website or to amend the service provided or the information and materials provided on the website at any time and without notice. Our company shall not be liable for any loss or damage howsoever arising if the website or any part of it is not available for any period of time.Agreement to Terms
When you create or join any Network, you agree to follow the Acceptable Use Policy at all times. We reserve the right, but have no obligation or liability for, monitoring any interactions with other Members or Hosts of the Service. You may submit a complaint or concern about another Member or HostOur Reduced Liability
You may link to the website provided that you do so in a way that is fair, legal and not misleading, however, our company reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. Our company cannot warrant that this website or material it contains are free of viruses or technical defects of any description‚ and accepts no responsibility for any technical problems arising from your use of this website.Unauthorized Access
Organization may restrict access from within its network to any sites in furtherance of these Terms of Use. You may contact UTO to request access to a restricted site or to report that a site was restricted in error. Organization may restrict you from accessing Organization Computing and Communication Resources. Information Posted to Organization Computers or Web Pages- Restriction on Use of Organization Web Pages. Organization’s website and web pages may be used only for Organization business and only authorized individuals may modify or post materials to these pages. No other pages may suggest that they are Organization web pages. If confusion is possible, pages should contain a disclaimer and links to Organization sites.
- Responsibilities of Individuals Posting Materials. By posting materials and using Organization Computing and Communication Resources, each User represents that he or she has created the materials or that he or she has the right to post or use the materials. The storage, posting, or transmission of materials must not violate the rights of any third person in the materials, including copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, and any rights of publicity or privacy of any person. Materials posted must not be defamatory, libelous, slanderous, or obscene.
- Prohibition against Commercial Use. Organization Computing and Communication Resources may not be used for unauthorized commercial purposes.